How Youboob fuqs the indies and heavier music
not bad enough that the fed's totally hosed the independent artist with
the Music Modernization Act - not just my opinion - see this from a
well-known Music Biz Lawyer:
A few years ago, the ITU in it's infinite wisdom (NOT!) decided it knew better as to what music should sound like.
It felt that it could "legislate" the "Loudness wars" (see my rant here: )
felt - in its "pseudo bourgeois" mind set - that it can "legislate
artistic freedom" and dictate what level a song should be reproduced
"You can't legislate morality" nor can you do so with artistic freedom... And as I mention in the Turn It Up Mudderfudder link there's multiple reasons that newer releases are mastered a lot louder :
1). People exist in a louder environment than they did back in the 90's and before
People do NOT have large speakers or sound systems. This is an
interesting dilemma - and one I run into when using small
speakers/monitors on remote recordings; the same speakers I use at home
that get plenty loud.
The smaller systems clip (with mine just
shutting down for protection ) when totally uncompressed audio is
played through them .
This is a function of physics... of
electronics. The result of trying to play uncompressed
audio thru anything but a large (12" woofer or greater), well powered
(>200 watts) system can TOTALLY DESTROY the speakers (due to the power amplifier losing damping and eventually oscillating) as well as kill the amplifier itself.
This is what I discuss in Turn It Up Mudderfudder - A large speaker has a larger driver surface area and can instantaneously move a higher volume of air.
And yea
- I hate silly compression for compression's sake. But to think that
some algorithm or other human can determine the "proper RMS level" of
something is preposterous.
total bullshit... A megalomaniacal crock of shit.
And it appears
the supposed Youboob "compliance" with this legislation actually:
stinks of the of the same bullshit that headlining acts use to do to opening acts - - turn off half of the PA amplifiers to ensure that the opener wasn't as loud/powerful as the main act.
Fucking great, huh?
I'm not the only one... there's many entries on Youboob's own forum that complain about the same thing:
interesting is that all the forums are locked... so you can't even ask
questions or continue the discussion - this is true for other, similar
Youboob forum subjects.
And just in case those assholes take it down - here's a PDF of it - loudness.pdf

Note the 43% decrease of volume for this independent release on Youboob
Well, what'ya expect from an industry that pays local musicians the same rate for gigs as they got back in the 1970's?
Below are some examples that compare releases from Metallica, Twisted Tower Dire,
Jon Fritz, and the red headed step child - Ed Sheeran...
Like, when should Ed Sheeran be louder than a metal band/Metallica? Seriously?
Well, Youboob thinks so... see this:
Click here or click the pic for vid:

to show that there's no trickery here, I will now test live streams
from Youboob's player using a Chrome-based browser - all player levels
are the same.
Click here or click the pic for vid:

So some "tech savvy' audio people will mention:
"... Well, Ed's shit has more peak or a higher RMS-to-Peak level." (What's known as "crest factor")
Bullshit - listen to the last Abbey Road example at the end of that vid.
That shit be fucked... loud and fucked.
The gist of this is:
"LUFS is NOT representative of how humans perceive loudness!!"
It just ain't... Ed Sheeran should NOT be LOUDER than Metallica. That ain't right.
- I get that it might be tough to see the difference. So I made a
vid of THAT VID that quickly compares the various tracks to contrast
the difference in a more "immediate" way:
Click here or click the pic for vid:

compare - this time the RHSC (Red Headed Step Child AKA Ed Sheeran) vs.
Anvil's crippled label release that was purposely turned down to
~ -14 LUFS in the name of "doing the right thing" - again - NOT!!!!
Click here or click the pic for vid:

So lets take a look at this - the same release from the same band of the same song - within two days of each other - that
shows JUST HOW FUQ'd the Youboob system is as to matching levels for various videos. It seems that the second upload
was done two days later - either by a fan that was disgruntled with Youboob's stoopid policy, or a band member themselves:
Click here or click the pic for vid:

Ed Sheeran - funny that in the one vid, he talks about going "South of the Border" to bang some hot Hispanic chick.
I don't care how many tattoo's he has - - he ain't got the balls to do it.
But I do know a recording artist that does... I work with him.
He's done it for years... 10 to be exact...
What a crock...