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CNC - Oversized MAXNC
Back in the day when Otto and his son Mitch ran the place, i had them make me a custom MaxNC.
Travel - X= 16.45"; Y = 10.5", Z = 11.2"  Table to Spindle - 12"

First off - I'd like to thank Brian over on the Taig Yahoo group for introducing us to these Consew motors.
(also- pics of his set up on the site - bktoys is his handle over there)

With the new Consew CS1000 Motor for the spindle - BLDC - 100-4,500 RPM. ~3/4HP
I used a set of Taig Pulleys (The MAXNC uses Taig Spindles - both the standard and ER16 which is what this machine has).
Comparison of Taig spindles:

The Taig pulleys offer me a range of torque/speeds: /CS1000-Taig_pulley_speeds.pdf
Since I bored out the motor side pulley I lose the small one - I'd never use it since the BLDC has farily even torque at low speeds.

Mach 3 controls ON/OFF via my old stock motor relay...

The Consew mounting scheme I used...
PDF drawing: /swarf/cs1000-mnt-FAB.pdf
I CNC'd a cover for the side of the Consew motor control that replaces the stock footpedal/optovane used for sewing machines: /swarf/boxcover.pdf
A simple 20K pot wired as a rheostat ( /typ_series_pot.jpg  )
replaces the stock photocell they used as photodetector, MACH 3 shorts this pot out (0 Ohm stops the motor)

I'm eventually doing a PWM to digital pot for speed control from Mach...

CAD Drawings and 3D model of the Consew:

3D Step File: /consew/

ACAD ver 12 DWG/DXF 2D (both in zip file): /consew/

PDF: /consew/CS1000.pdf

On this side you can see the mist control valve - just a lawn sprinkler solenoid diaphram valve with a regulator. Mach 3 controls the ON/OFF
of a 556 timer (duration and interval) The mister is an older Aetna (Now owned by Ekstrom Carlson ) that allows setting both air and fluid
(unlike the Koolmist units). The aluminum blocks were made on the machine so I know they are true. I use them for cutting chassis.
What was interesting is that when we finally picked up my late father-in-law's  Gerstner W-52 box (he was a tool and die maker) he had a similar pair of
fixture plates.

Filter for the Consew CS1000 Motor - two pieces of 2.5" AL stock, stepped to interlock and hold some filter media.
Drawing of it here - /swarf/CONSEW-CS1000-filter.pdf

One important note - in order to keep the wires from breaking when the spindle is traveling, I added a rubberized adel clamp mounted
on a piece of angle for strain relief. There's a piece of heatshrink over all eight conductors where the clamp is.

The T- Slots on the housing  make it nice to mount things like this to the motor. And to mount the motor itself...

My wiring mods:
Click the image for a larger view

The pot should be at least 20K lin type. I only had a 50K laying around so I put a 33K resistor in parallel  it to get a bit more resolution. If you're using
a 20-25K pot you won't need this. Eventually I'll be getting a multiturn pot in there.
Note how the NC relay wires short out the pot. This allows Mach 3/whatever to start/stop the motor. The motor control will only power on if it senses
that the resistance across the YEL-BLK is <1K - otherwise it will give an E6 error (due to safety for a  sewing machine application which is what it's designed for)

The red toggle switch on the top right in this view is in series with the incoming AC hot. This is for tool change lock out. I still don't understand why table top CNC's with spindle
motor control don't come standard with some sort of motor lock out.

You can see how I just inserted a DB9 for the motor and encoder connection. The round black connector is a Switchcraft EN3 type - it matches my old 2M139 stock motor connector on my
custom Gecko-based controller that was controlled by Mach. Since I wanted to be able to switch back to the old 2M139 in case this motor sucked, I just made the Consew take in the 115VAC drive
and converted that to 12VDC (used a Recom AC-DC converter ) to run the relay coil. I tried a RadShack 115VAC coil relay but the drop out voltage was a bit too close to 115VAC for my liking.

Some Vids of me testing the Consew CS1000: /DSCN2894.wmv - running a test to see if it caused any issues with motion/drives RF (actually the CS1000 looks pretty good on my RF spectrum - better than some other BLDC drives  I've tested) /DSCN2895.wmv  - me testing the torque with some drag. /DSCN2897.wmv -  75 RPM with great reg of speed /DSCN2898.wmv -  Spindle on/off with MACH 3. If you short out the pot, it stops. Stops fairly quick too (makes sense for safety in a sewing machine application)   - Cuttting a test fixture plate - FR4, 0.375" thick - using a 1/4" 2 flute fishtail router bit.

New Tachometer
Finally got around to making a new tachometer. I needed one that would go out to 5 places. Grabbed a 2 line LCD I had laying around and used an Arduino Pro.

Link to a vid of it running
Note that it updates quite quickly. I prefer this, even tho it's a bit noisier than having it average over a longer period. I like to see the loading...

Had some Hammond enclosures lying around so I fabbed some endplates I typically cut them out from 1/8" thermoform stock - do this for a lot of companies I do designs for.
There's a vid (also listed below in the video section) of me machining Hammond endplates for a prototype I did for a Welch Allyn supplier.
It's just easier to cut it out of stock than try to align 40 of them to get holes to line up with the Solidworks model and Altium designs.

Files for the Tach

Here's a link to a zip of the STEP file
Here's a link to the Altium File - NOTE: I cnc'd this PCB (NC file of the PCB as well as the enclosure is included in the linked zip file's Project Outputs subdir) and you'll notice the GND pads are removed - I just use the solid copper for the Grounds.
The Arduino ino file is also in the zip file's Project'll need either an Atmel ISP or similar since the Pro Mini has no USB shit...
You'll also need the Time.h and TimeAlarms.h in your Arduino include path to show the elapsed time.
The file is setup for four pulse per rev, easily changed for whatever sensor you want to use... just change the timet*x statement (note one is a comment - that won't do anything).
Also you can muck around with the averaging function to smooth out the display if you like...

On a side note:
I made myself a spanner for those little 3.5mm audio jack nuts. Found the idea somewhere on the innertubes:

Thermal imaging
of a 1/16" 2-Flute in 6061-T6511
The belt is warmer...
Videos of this operation: /DSCN2957.wmv /DSCN2958.wmv

My wife insisted I put up the "baby pic"

That's a MaxNC 10...  they grow up so fast....
I used the old MaxNC 10 table for fixturing:

Cool Pendant  IMACH P5

Nice once you get it set up... has step, continuous, and velocity modes. Adds to Mach 3 via a plugin DLL. The P5 uses Apem sealed switches.

Here's a link to a quick vid I made - Mach 3 on a MaxNC oversized, Gecko 201's 60IPS rapid, std 1/4-20 threads /DSCN2173-pendant.wmv
the clunking noise is the camera autofocus.

A 5 hour job - Heat Sink for power supplies
Click for full size

Some Vids:

Cutting a 19x17 AL 0.125 plate for DAQ cards /DSCN2229.wmv

Milling a pattern of endplates for a COTs enclosure (Hammond)

Machining of a COTS enclosure
(note the spindle armed LEDs on the controller I designed):

Machining a test fixture plate

Machining small custom Lansing front plates:

Machining a custom fixture for a military RF device:

Cutting a nested pattern from 1/4" (0.220)

Milling a COT’s enclosure for us in an avionics prototype (electronics designed in-house): /DSCN0860.avi

Cutting a PCB with a Precise Bits EM2E8-0625-90V trace isolation bit

Cutting a hot air tool for my SMT equipment, 30IPM, 1/8" carbide 2 flute endmill:

Cutting a heatsink out of a 2"x3" block using a 3/8" 2 flute endmill at 15ipm:

Cutting a logo, roughed with a 1/4" 3 flute at 15ipm, finishing with an 1/8 4 flute"

Cutting a 2x4" block of 6061 with a 5/16" endmill:

Cutting an aluminum rack panel using a 1/16" 2 flute endmill:

Cutting a pocket for an RF amplifier heatsink using a 2 flute 3/8" endmill:

Cutting a part for a desoldering tool with a 3/8" 2 FL:

Milling a cast AL BUD box for a MIL connector:

Making a large steady; 3/4" 6061; 1/4" 2 Flute: /DSCN2714.wmv /DSCN2717.wmv /DSCN2718.wmv

Cutting some polycarbonate; 1/8" Onsrud single flute: /endcap.wmv

This was interesting - I had to match up and re-cut an equipment plate that was
originally designed for D-style connectors. I had to remachine for a box mount.
So in Solidworks I brought in the plate and  I made a fixture that had registration pins matching the mounting holes for the mounting rivets

Using custom Dovetail Parallels to hold thin stock

So I needed to machine a bunch of thin Home Depot type 1/8"  plates for a client's project.  
Typically I've done stuff like that using my custom flats mounts; maybe with a backing plate:

But these needed to be drilled close to the edge. And they were longer than my vise.

What I needed was a set of long, thin parallels since I needed to machine thru the stock. And a way to hold it down so it wouldn't come flying out.

So I recalled making a new PCB holder for my BGA rework machine (see my main page - direct link to photo
and this used a dovetail type vise jaw.

So seeing how well that worked, I decided to do this:
Just (2)  1" x 0.5"  with a 60d dovetail cut in the edge, similar to the BGA vise. I did a pass with an endmill 70mil in, and 160mil deep, then ran the dovetail cutter to get the depth I needed.

It allows me to machine thru, but still hold the stock quite firmly - even where it overhangs the vise. So it acts as a clamp and a parallel all in one.

Here's a link to a vid of it running the job:

You do have to make sure that the stock is below the jaw line.

PCB milling

Typically I use a Precise Bits  LPKF 90d etching bit ( EM2E8-0625-90V ) . The following is an example PCB:    

But on the following I used a  MN208-0100-002F    0.010" Stub End mill.

4th axis with tailstock

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